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Tweets of the Week

The Crystal Ball’s Tweets of the Week is a look back at the highlights of the past week in politics in snippets of 140 characters or less. To get this analysis as soon as news breaks, follow University of Virginia Center for Politics Director, and Crystal Ball founder, Larry Sabato on Twitter by clicking here.

11:15 AM Feb 25th: Health Care Summit. I’ve asked my students to watch an hour. I want to see whether their estimation of Congress goes up or down.

11:32 AM Feb 25th: At the summit, we just had the first-ever post-presidential-election “candidates debate”. There’s still no love lost between Obama & McCain.

9:33 AM Feb 27th: Dems get a break in IN SEN. Rep. Baron Hill won’t challenge Rep. Brad Ellsworth for D nod to replace Bayh. Tough race for Dems in any event.

9:37 AM Feb 27th: Real Q: What will GOP do? Ex-Sen.Coats is establishment choice but very flawed. Two other Rs, Hostettler & Stutzman, have upset potential.

8:59 PM Mar 1st: Harold Ford has sacrificed NY SEN candidacy so that Dems won’t be divided in fall. Um, no. Real reason: He was going to lose to Gillibrand.

9:03 PM Mar 1st: As I look at all 2010 Senate seats, Sen. K Gillibrand is by far the weakest incumbent who has little or no real primary or Nov opposition.

3:40 PM Mar 2nd: Circle May 18th in red–the day we’ll learn a lot about the mood of D activists. Primaries from the left for Sens.Lincoln(AR) & Specter(PA).

10:31 PM Mar 2nd: A salute to Governor-for-life Rick Perry (R-TX). After a 39% showing in ’06, opposed by the Bushes, written off as old hat, he wins big.

10:34 Mar 2nd: In a less GOP year it’d be easier to believe Bill White (D) could unhorse Perry in Nov. Could still be a race. But big early advantage: Rick

10:39 Mar 2nd: Fascinating to see whether Kay will actually resign the Senate seat. Will she really let Perry appoint HIS crony to HER seat? Masochism.

10:41 Mar 2nd: It’s also Texas Independence Day (#174). Given Rick Perry’s views on secession and his giant win, there’s a bit of irony on the anniversary.

10:44 Mar 2nd: No fear, the Republic endures. This is also the 133rd anniversary of Rutherford B. Hayes’ ‘theft’ of the Presidency. Sam Tilden really won.

10:46 Mar 2nd: Called “His Fraudulency”, Hayes got the White House in a corrupt deal just 2 days before 1877 inauguration. Tilden declined to march on DC.