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Tweets of the Week

The Crystal Ball’s Tweets of the Week is a look back at the highlights of the past week in politics in snippets of 140 characters or less. To get this analysis as soon as news breaks, follow University of Virginia Center for Politics Director, and Crystal Ball founder, Larry Sabato on Twitter by clicking here.

5:42 PM Sep 17th: Eye-catching new VA poll from Rasmussen: McDonnell 48, Deeds 46, statistical tie–McDonnell was +9 just 2 weeks ago. Got to be the thesis.

1:30 AM Sep 18th: Sure enough, new DailyKos poll shows McDonnell(R) up +7, 50-43, over Deeds(D). Rasmussen: R +2, Clarus R +5. Av:+4-5R-about right, my guess.

7:29 PM Sep 19th: 129 years ago today, the nation was plunged into mourning as Pres. James A. Garfield died of lead poisoning due to bullet lodged in pancreas

8:02 AM Sep 18th: Harry Reid will face a second-tier GOP candidate, whoever wins R primary. But that election could be a referendum on Obama/Reid/D Congress.

8:27 PM Sep 19th: So Mike Huckabee wins the ‘value voters’ 2012 WH straw poll–with a mere 28 percent of a paltry 600 votes cast. ATTN PUNDITS: IT MEANS NOTHING.

8:03 AM Sep 20th: McDonnell has been unable to contain thesis damage. He needs to show he’s changed–but fears to alienate social conservatives in so doing.

8:07 AM Sep 20th: The inevitable has happened in NY: Obama has sent word to Gov. David Paterson(D) that he needs to step aside. Paterson at 20 percent in polls.

8:11 AM Sep 20th: Obama WH has been most aggressive ever–even more than FDR in ’38–in getting involved in party primaries–NY, CO, PA. No penalty so far.

2:27 PM Sep 22nd: Another reason why NJ and VA GOV races matter: 2010 House recruiting season for top candidates will end shortly after 11/3.

2:29 PM Sep 22nd: Winning party can use results to convince on-the-fence potential House candidates to run. It’s a tip-over factor for some.